Proverbs 29:12
Chellah Tukuta Photography was sent to prison for saying things that are true although difficult or impossible to prove.
You see, if two people of different gender meet you can’t prove unless you took a video or pictures.
But there is something Chellah said that is very important and we believe many Zambians have forgotten since you easily forget.
Chellah said when you see two female celebrities fighting on social media just know that a man is involved.
This is true to even Mutale Mwanza and the sudden bad blood with Xaven.
Do you know how it was exposed that Kingley Chanda is the one who bought that black Range Rover for Mutale Mwanza?
It was through her friends who knew that she wsd servicing the old man.
What has happened now is that Xaven found herself in the arms of Mutale Mwanza’s boyfriend.
Just this makes Mutale Mwanza develop low self esteem about herself.
Truth is Xaven has the behind to make a white man go crazy while Mutale Mwanza has the skill to capture any man.
But when it comes to katundu, Xaven wins.
Xaven was eaten by Mutale Mwanza’s boyfriend and now she is furious. That is why sha came out like that on Hot FM.
(c) National Leaks 2022