On 4th February 2021 Kuza Bull posted on his Facebook profile about how a certain Mbunga Artist tried to kill him by poisoning his water at Kuza’s apartment in Lusaka. But up to now we haven’t heard of how this was resolved, Was the culprit punished? Did Kuza let it go just like that?
According to the Musindo Legendary, this act had happened for the second time, in his words he wrote: “I WAS POISONED LAST WEEKEND BY ONE OF THE Mbuga artists as a suspect for the second time, Proved by the Doctors Below. And thank God no one came home apart from the same person as it also happened in Mongu again.” This clearly tells us that this unmentioned artist could be someone close to Kuza, Now imagine if they can do this to someone close can they spare any other mbunga Artist
We need to stay protect dear artist your/Our safety matters most before anything else, let us, therefore, demand for answers, and unmask these Goats in sheeps’

The above post was earlier shared on our Facebook page (Westside Music) and it attracted a lot of comments one which got Kuza;s attention was a comment from Angela Kaladoshas who wrote;

“The problem is if I tell Mbunga artistes the truth, people catch feelings.
The truth is this guy thinks he is doing well in music but fan base theliz no.
He was charging K500 VIP and K100 at his show recently, I tell you it was a flop, my sister from Kaoma said they were stranded because Kuza who invited them had no money.
Ba Kuza just go south Africa and do another video then take it to Angola you exchange with goats and start a business than wasting our time here.”
Kuza then responded to her saying
Zambia has more than 10 provinces and you think I can talk about this issue just to gain fame from one Pronvince right. You must be joking…I just love Bulozi because that’s where I come from and love i love everything about it but that is away from my dreams you know that. I don’t care about being famous in case you don’t know.
You say my show flopped its fine. life can never be the same but its good that no one was stranded,i gave them transports to and from and I paid K10 000 for the venue including everything. though we left a bit late coz there were no vehicles as it was late the main reason our show didn’t tick was the venue was a bit far and our show was a second one take place from there.
Coming back to you saying am lying here is the Document from the Hospital. Thank you, i know you hate me but i love you all.
Kuza went on to post on his Facebook
The Kuza 10 years anniversary was a success,,,, weza with one or two people the fact is that it came to pass and kuza himself was present for his party as real friends came and to those who failed to show up there is always next time we appreciate your support in many other things.We treat anniversaries like weddings and moreover, we never asked for money from anyone.
Through the adverts, we have increased our fan base and others got to know about this artist on Banners and posters. so far doors have opened for other businesses. Their thinking of achievement is not ours.
Yes, its nice to have many people but that should not make you think one has failed that’s somehow poor reasoning.
We have tried and if they think they can do better, let them do it that good jealousy and will help. Don’t be worried about something that you never contributed anything. We have had good and bad shows that’s what we call a journey. You cant win all the time unless you’re a son to the Devil.