The Katima Swag headliner Under Gee made headlines on the mbunga scene after saying MP Kangombe bought him a car on his new song Boasting. This particular line in the song caught my attention as I have been hearing rumours about it so I posted about it on my personal Facebook account, and everyone started congratulating the rapper.

But a few refused to believe such claims some even called the rapper out saying they stay with him in Katima but have never seen his car thus how the MP was engaged by one of the reactors to confirm if at all those claims were true.
Hon. Romeo Lileko Kangombe reply was; “he has more than a vehicle. More than that. Many people that includes me do not realise they own houses and vehicles but they have no scheming eyes to identify where the unity or property is. When they encounter greater minds, better position they own such aforementioned. UNDER_G has quiet alot and yes he has.”
The metaphoric response by the MP has not confirmed if at all it’s him who bought him the vehicle, but he did confirm that Under Gee owns more than just a car.
So it’s up to you to believe it or not.