Kuza quits being a Mbunga Artist to being a Zambian Artist
In a recent post on his Facebook page, the former Mbunga controversial artist Kuza wrote:

Today Sunday 01/ 10/ 2023
Am no longer a Mbunga artist but a Zambian Artist…. I know my decision may receive mixed feelings easpecially that we are just from the kwacha music awards where I have lost but hey, I will not defend myself from anything.
Mulonga ki Mulonga becomes my last Mbunga Album… I feel I have tried my best and my vision was that people will be happy with, instead I have created more enemies than friends such that even my photo if shared to most Mbunga pages I see a lot of insults from some Mbunga fans and I keep asking myself questions like what is it that I have wronged my people in this struggling industryfor me to deserve all this. Yes it’s not normal not to be criticized but where I go through certain insults that I have tried to ignore for some time , but I will put all the blame on me… and I ask my people to find space in thier hearts to forgive me for whatever I did not do well to them🙏
Trust me , I admire how other pronvinces lift up people who sucrifice for thier people e.g King Illest from southern pronvince is an artist who doesn’t drop music anyhow but once he does, it’s always something big for his people and I may not have done better than him but for the little things that people coundnt imagine one of us to do them someday but in my pronvince has been another story of just being insulted, hate and always people gatherd to block any move I make therefore it’s not what I thought but still I still take the blame…
If you ask people closer to me they will testify to you that it hasn’t been easy for me to live up to this time, the path I have moved I don’t wish to continue with it because I don’t want to revenge or spill any human Blood as I might be tempted to defend myself one day and go astray to my Christians norms. I come from a house where love was preached more than hate and music alone can’t charge the real me.
I wish you all well..God Bless but still that Kwahae Boy😭🙏