“Soul Lofinah” album by Ybee King Shabah

P.H.S MusiQ headliner Ybee King Shabah’s album “Soul Lofinah” album is on demand by the people as they can’t wait for the official release on the 15th of this month.

With that being said “Ybee King Shabah” puts the album ready on sale today.The following is how you can easily purchase the album.
Full Album is at K99.00 and if you want to buy just a single song in the album you purchase it at K10.00 through the following contact details shared below.
Airtel Money: 0971634428 (Mike Chilwalo)
MTN Money: 0763914591 (Jonathan Kakoma)
After sending the money, Do send a screenshot of the transaction on WhatsApp to any of the numbers shared above and the Song/Album you have purchased will be sent to you via email or WhatsApp.
For more info Contact: [email protected]