Westside Music will soon launch a music store that has been as you all know advertised lately on various media platforms. A of lot people will ask what is this music store all about or What is a music store?

A music store is an online application or website that only allows you to pay for songs that has been uploaded there in order for you to stream and download them.
Why or how did we come up with an idea of opening a music store?
This idea came about when we had an interview on Oblate Radio Liseli last year 2020 when we were interacting with people from all walks of western province and Zambia at large. A lot of people’s questions were concentrated on what are the musicians getting from their songs after they have been uploaded on Westside music. And that same question gave us lot thinking as in how we are going tackle this issue that a lot of people are complaining about. And that’s how we came up with an idea of opening a music app store where artists will be selling their music or rather songs from; at a certain fee as Ts and Cs apply.
What are the benefits of this music store app?
The internet is a new avenue for the distribution of music. With the development of digital versions of music, it is possible to transfer music by digital means. Selling your music via our music store will have the following advantages; It will reduce the on-going music piracy that has taken stance in our music industry as people tend to sell songs aimlessly through their computers, even consulting you the owners.
It will also eliminate the need to transport music physically to the listeners as everything now will be done via our music store.
Music app store will help the artist gain at least something monetary from their music they will sell with us on our store.
It will benefit the artists to have their music or songs sold to the outside world.
Thanks a lot for buying and selling your music with us we value your company.
Westside Music Team.