
The Milangu Blueprint

Arguably the most controversial artist in the land “Mumble Jumble” is not new to making headlines in the industry. The Hip-Hop artist could have just opened a new path that could potentially help Mbunga music and the artists at large.

Late last year, he released his first sold single titled “Celebration” and it wasn’t taken that seriously. And most people thought he was just going to sell it for a short period of time then put it out for free, but the economics degree holder means business. His recent single for sell “Esi Kina” has received enormous support from within and outside of the country.

He posted an appreciation post;

Will this move by the Milangu a-lister be adopted by many Mbunga artists. Even though it is not really a new concept, as people a long time ago used to buy CDs and TAPEs as it was the only way to access an artist’s music.

What are your thoughts on buying music? Let us know down below in the comments!

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