
Maggy Lee ft. Mutumba Libeleki – “Via Internet” MP Download

Following the success of her hit single “Simubabile Yoo” – Sesheke biding artist Maggy Lee enlists Mutumba Libeleki yet again to her latest song titled “Via Internet.”

Via Internet is a new single by Maggy Lee written by Mutumba Libeleki.

The chorus is a poem about money and all its attributes including online money transactions. The poem also goes into explaining money via the internet in our modern technological world. Now here’s something interesting, the last 2 rap verses are poems about people’s modern lifestyle in connection with money on the internet, bringing out the losses, the gains, the pain, the joy, out of money, and its influence on the internet due to scam, swindling & tricks used by thieves on the internet to manipulate their victim. In other words, the song gives caution about money scams online and offline.

The song was produced and mastered by Mutumba Libeleki at Kwa Bulozi Studios in Sesheke.

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