Following mounting pressure from the Zone Boy situation – Katima Swag leader Under Gee shares his side of the story concerning the trending story “Under Gee beats up Zone Boy at a show.” The story which has spread like wildfire has put the Katima Swag artiste in an awkward space. Many have criticized his actions and that of his crew.

I called the rapper who then expressed his displease on how the whole story was reported, he said the story only shows one side of the coin thus not giving him any chance to fully explain his side of the story, and clearly explain why that even transpired in the first place.
Firstly, a bit of some background on the two. Zone Boy used to go and record at Under Gee’s studio in fact according to Under Gee he took them as his young brothers (Zone Boy with his friend) and he used to put verses in their songs. I do not know what happened along the way but apparently, Zone Boy dropped a diss song for Under Gee, and from there, things just went south.
On Friday night after the incidence, Under Gee called me after I sent him a message expressing my disappointment on what had happened, and one of the first things he told me was not to jump to a conclusion without fully understanding the issue at hand, and went on to tell me not be choosing sides as my job is to be neutral (among other things he said).
During our phone conversation, he told me the kind of songs Zone Boy has been making about him, one of which is a song insulting Under Gee’s parents. Mind you I only got to know Zone Boy when he dropped “Mazeto” on Westside Music, and my initial reaction when I first heard him was this guy sounds like, Under Gee, I even posted about this on my Facebook.
So all this information Under Gee was telling me was news to me as I didn’t know their beef went to those lengths. He also told me that he has never named dropped Zone Boy in any of his songs, but Zone Boy continues to remix his songs turning them into diss songs directed at Under Gee.
“He was going to be beaten even if I wasn’t there” Under Gee told me on a phone call. The rapper says the Katima Swag fans were the ones that actually caused the whole beef thing to escalate as every time Zone Boy would release a diss song he would also diss anyone affiliated to Katima Swag. Plus, Zone Boy insulting his parents just worsened the whole situation.
“If Zone Boy is a fan then he should stop making remixes of my songs and dissing me, I don’t have any problem with him using my rapping style,” says Under Gee.
“Den Zee was almost beaten as well but I told the guys that I have never heard him dissing us if Den Zee likes my type of rapping style then cool, now I do not know why small (Zone Boy) continues to diss” the rapper continued.
Under Gee as however denied cutting Zone Boy as he says the cut is self-inflicted when they tried to disarm him of the machete he had. “I did not even beat the guy, it was the guys,” he said.
Take away points
- Zone Boy wasn’t beaten because of copying Under Gee’s style
- Zone Boy was beaten because of insulting Katima Swag and Under Gee’s parents